[phpLogCon] Error: "Could not find the configured table"

Trent Creekmore tcreek at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 06:39:04 CET 2014

I downloaded and setup LogAnalyzer Version 3.6.5  on CentOS 6. The setup
seems to have gone fine without any errors.



However after logging in to the interface, I am presenting with this in the
middle of the screen.



"No syslog records found - Error Details: Could not find the configured
table, maybe misspelled or the tablenames are case sensitive"


Then with a link to http://kb.monitorware.com/kbeventdb-detail-id-6886.html
offering no solutions except of searchable likes which are of no help either




I was able to located this thread in the forum:
<http://kb.monitorware.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=8977> &t=8977 though it is a
bit old, the error seems to still exist.



Here is an image of the Fields:






An image of DBmappingsL





Here is my list of tables for database "rsyslog"



. +---------------------+

| Tables_in_rsyslog   |


| logcon_charts       |

| logcon_config       |

| logcon_dbmappings   |

| logcon_fields       |

| logcon_groupmembers |

| logcon_groups       |

| logcon_savedreports |

| logcon_searches     |

| logcon_sources      |

| logcon_users        |

| logcon_views        |





Can anyone help me understand what I must do to fix this?




Thank you.



Also, the forum seems to be broken. Links to register, recover password,
etc., are presenting with a login instead.




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